
Tiger Of Renggam ini merupakan projek mural pada dinding bangunan kedai lama berusia 96 tahun serta usaha pemuliharaan kawasan Bandar Renggam untuk kelestarian dan pengekalan kawasan warisan serta alam sekitar.

Tiger Mural Of Renggam diilhamkan oleh Tuan Mohammad Sukry Bin Abd.Rahim

Yang Dipertua Majlis Daerah Simpang Renggam.

Mural ini menerima penganugerahan di peringkat Antarabangsa iaitu menerima "Green Apple Awards for Beautiful Buildings 2019".

Anugerah ini diterima di Houses of Parliament Palace of Westminster London pada 25 November 2019.

Tiger Of Renggam ini adalah hasil lukisan seorang pelukis mural anak jati Johor, Muhammad Nabil Mohd Azahari yang memberikan gambaran Bandar Renggam ini pernah mempunyai populasi haiwan yang sinonim dengan gelaran Pak Belang itu.

Tiger of Renggam is a mural project on the walls of a 96-year-old old shop building as well as conservation efforts in the Bandar Renggam area for the sustainability and preservation of heritage and environmental areas.

Tuan Mohammad Sukry Bin Abd. Rahim inspired tiger Mural of Renggam. Rahim, President of Simpang Renggam District Council.

This mural received the award at the International level, which is to receive the "Green Apple Awards for Beautiful Buildings 2019".

The award received at the Houses of Parliament Palace of Westminster London on 25 November 2019.

Tiger of Renggam is the result of a painting by a mural artist from Johor, Muhammad Nabil Mohd Azahari who gives the impression that Bandar Renggam once had a population of animals that is synonymous with the title Pak Belang.