- Act 171, Local Government Act 1976.
- Act 172, Urban and Rural Planner Act.
- Act 133, Street, Drain and Building Act 1974.
- Road Transport Act 1987 – Road Traffic Order (Allocation of Car Parking Lot) MDKS 2000.
By Laws
- Licensing of Trades, Businesses, Industries and Professions MDKS By-Laws 1982.
- Public Officers Regulations (Behaviour & Discipline) 1993 & Public Service Disciplinary Board Regulations 1993 for PBT.
- Services and Treasury Circular and Circular Letters.
- Stray Animals By Laws MDKS 1995.
- Park By Laws MDKS 1987.
- Compounding Offences By Laws MDKS 1988.
- Advertisement By Laws (Amendment) MDKS 1990.
- Food Handler By Laws MDKS 1987.
- Election Advertisement By Laws MDKS 1990.
- Canine Licensing By Laws MDKS 1995.
- Market By Laws MDKS 1982.
- Hawker By Laws MDKS 1982.
- Advertisement By Laws MDKS 1982.
- Anti-Littering By Laws MDKS 1982.
- Garbage Collection, Disposal and Demolishment By Laws MDKS 1985.
- Private Car Parking Lot Licensing By Laws MDKS 1988.
- Barber Shop and Hairdresser By Laws MDKS 1989.
- Uniformed Buildings By Laws 1984.
- Street, Drain and Building By Laws (MDKS Compounding Offences) 1995.
- Land Works By Laws MDKS 1995.
- Street, Drain and Building By Laws (Claiming Arrears) 1998.